Are you worried about dog incontinence in your aging dog? Incontinence in dogs often becomes a problem as our canine friends age. In fact, canine lower urinary tract disease that causes incontinence afflicts about half of all older dogs. Here's what you need to know about this problem to help your old friend.
Four Reasons For Urinary Incontinence In Dogs
The chances of your canine friend developing one of these problems increase as he gets older. In fact, in pets older than seven, dog incontinence is the most canine common urinary tract disease.
Common reasons for canine incontinence are:
- Cystitis in dogs
- Dog bladder stones
- Trauma and obstruction
- Cancer
Cystitis In Dogs
A bacterial infection in your pet's bladder can cause incontinence in your elderly dog. Frequent urination is often a symptom, and you may notice he's drinking more water than he normally does. You may also see blood in his urine. This condition is usually diagnosed with a urinalysis, and your vet may also do a urine culture to identify which bacteria are causing it. Canine urinary infections are usually pretty easy to clear up with antibiotics.
Dog Bladder Stones
Canine bladder stones are often seen in aging dogs. If your pet is suffering from recurring bacterial infections, this may be why. The stones often have sharp edges that irritate the bladder walls, leading to a canine urinary tract infection. Bulldogs and dalmations are especially prone to this problem, although they may occur in any breed of dog.
Dog bladder stones don't always show up on x-rays, so your vet may need to do a contrast study to find them. You may need to feed him a special diet to dissolve them. If that doesn't work, surgery might be necessary to remove them.
Trauma And Obstruction
Trauma usually isn't seen in elderly dogs, but it does happen sometimes. Usually trauma will heal on its own, but it's always a good idea to have your vet check on your old friend to be sure he's healing properly.
Obstruction of the canine urinary tract can occur from canine bladder stones blocking his urethra, or from a tumor.
While lower urinary tract cancer is seen more often in females, males are susceptible to prostrate cancer. Persistent bleeding from the urinary tract should never be ignored. Treatment is more effective when the cancer is caught early.
Can Natural Remedies For Dogs Help Your Aging Pet?
The answer is yes. Herbs and homeopathic remedies have stood the test of time for bladder problems in people, and they're very effective for preventing and treating dog bladder problems, too. The key is to find remedies especially formulated for use in pets so that your canine friend receives the proper dosage. You'll also want to deal with a company known for producing only the highest quality natural products for pets.
Don't wait until incontinence in dogs becomes a problem for your elderly dog. Start your older pet on a natural remedy today to help prevent this problem.
Older dogs have different nutritional requirements than young ones in order for them to stay healthy. Typically, their nutritional needs can be met by changing to a food that is made for senior pets, as the nutrient concentrations are intended for dogs in this older age range.
ReplyDeletepet health
the usual issue behind this problem is simply that the muscles that control urination are relaxing too much. In some animals the cause behind male canine urinary incontinence is a reduction in hormones.dogs with incontinence