Monday, July 27, 2009

Four Reasons For Dog Incontinence In Your Elderly Dog

Are you worried about dog incontinence in your aging dog? Incontinence in dogs often becomes a problem as our canine friends age. In fact, canine lower urinary tract disease that causes incontinence afflicts about half of all older dogs. Here's what you need to know about this problem to help your old friend.

Four Reasons For Urinary Incontinence In Dogs

The chances of your canine friend developing one of these problems increase as he gets older. In fact, in pets older than seven, dog incontinence is the most canine common urinary tract disease.

Common reasons for canine incontinence are:

  • Cystitis in dogs
  • Dog bladder stones
  • Trauma and obstruction
  • Cancer

Cystitis In Dogs

A bacterial infection in your pet's bladder can cause incontinence in your elderly dog. Frequent urination is often a symptom, and you may notice he's drinking more water than he normally does. You may also see blood in his urine. This condition is usually diagnosed with a urinalysis, and your vet may also do a urine culture to identify which bacteria are causing it. Canine urinary infections are usually pretty easy to clear up with antibiotics.

Dog Bladder Stones

Canine bladder stones are often seen in aging dogs. If your pet is suffering from recurring bacterial infections, this may be why. The stones often have sharp edges that irritate the bladder walls, leading to a canine urinary tract infection. Bulldogs and dalmations are especially prone to this problem, although they may occur in any breed of dog.

Dog bladder stones don't always show up on x-rays, so your vet may need to do a contrast study to find them. You may need to feed him a special diet to dissolve them. If that doesn't work, surgery might be necessary to remove them.

Trauma And Obstruction

Trauma usually isn't seen in elderly dogs, but it does happen sometimes. Usually trauma will heal on its own, but it's always a good idea to have your vet check on your old friend to be sure he's healing properly.

Obstruction of the canine urinary tract can occur from canine bladder stones blocking his urethra, or from a tumor.


While lower urinary tract cancer is seen more often in females, males are susceptible to prostrate cancer. Persistent bleeding from the urinary tract should never be ignored. Treatment is more effective when the cancer is caught early.

Can Natural Remedies For Dogs Help Your Aging Pet?

The answer is yes. Herbs and homeopathic remedies have stood the test of time for bladder problems in people, and they're very effective for preventing and treating dog bladder problems, too. The key is to find remedies especially formulated for use in pets so that your canine friend receives the proper dosage. You'll also want to deal with a company known for producing only the highest quality natural products for pets.

Don't wait until incontinence in dogs becomes a problem for your elderly dog. Start your older pet on a natural remedy today to help prevent this problem.

By. Darlene Norris

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Canine Viral Hepatitis

Diagnosis Of Dog Diseases

In the world of canines, many diseases and infections exist everywhere, even in the most sophisticated homes and yards. Diagnosing a dog disease comes from seeing the symptoms your dog may show and then having the necessary tests done to find the exact cause of the disease. The top canine diseases are canine viral hepatitis, bloating, aortic steonosis, distemper and the parvovirus. With proper health care and diet, dogs can live a healthy life as your faithful companion for many years.

Diagnosis of Dog Diseases- Canine Viral Hepatitis

This viral disease affects younger dogs and puppies. Affecting the liver and inner lining of the blood vessels, this disease is transmitted from dog to dog by way of a discharge from the infected dog. Some symptoms of the disease stomach bleeding, increased thirst, lack of appetite, vomiting and a tender stomach when touched. Dogs do show discomfort when experiencing canine viral hepatitis.

Diagnosis of Dog Diseases- Bloating

A life threatening and serious problem in dogs, also called gastric dilation volvulus, comes from over eating as well as other health problems. Some breeds are prone to this because of their breed, but others just plain over eat. The symptoms of bloating are a restless dog and a fat looking stomach that happens quickly. Dry heaves follow such a condition and proper diagnosis is required by tests. Sometimes taking food away for twenty-four hours will help reduce the bloating problem in your dog.

Diagnosis of Dog Diseases- Canine Distemper

Canine distemper is a viral infection that affects the immune system and can lead to serious complications if not death. This disease is contracted from contact with the excretions of an infected dog. Airborne particles can also contribute to infecting other dogs. Dogs rarely survive, but when they do, they suffer from muscle spasms and convulsions. The symptoms of a fever over 104 degrees, depression, pus in the eyes, convulsions, diarrhea and vomiting, if you see these signs, you need to contact your vet immediately. Proper vaccination of your dog prevents this viral disease from taking the life or livelihood of your companion.

Diagnosis of Dog Diseases- Aortic Steonosis

Aortic steonosis is an obstruction of the blood vessel that carries blood from the left ventricle and is an inherited health problem. No symptoms are visible for mild cases, but severe cases prevent the dog from any type of exercise. Dogs tend to faint when performing any kind of exercise due to the severity of the blockage. If your dog shows symptoms of fainting, tests will determine the exact cause and the vet will describe treatment objectives.

Diagnosis of Dog Diseases- Canine Parvovirus

Puppies under six months of age succumb to this particular disease. The intestinal tract, lymphoid tissue, immune system and the bone marrow are affected. Symptoms may be vomiting, convulsion weight loss and dehydration with coughing. For some puppies, death is immediate. Puppies need proper medical attention and proper vaccinations to prevent such an untimely demise.

By. David Faulkner

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What is Pyometra Dog Disease

What is the dog disease Pyometra? Pyometra in short means a pus-filled uterus which affects primarily dogs that are five years and older; more common older female dogs. If not surgically removed, Pyometra will often result in death for most dogs.

The main cause of Pyometra is usually an imbalance of female hormones, primarily progesterone which results is an overactive uterus lining. Secretions accumulate in the cavity of this organ and cause distention. Bacteria entering through the vagina may cause secondary infection in some cases; however, many of the pus-filled organs are sterile when cultured.

Pyometra usually occurs from one week to three months after a heat (but may occur at any time during any heat cycle) and may concur with a Pseudocyesis (false pregnancy) but there has not been enough evidence to suggest an establishment between these hormone-controlled diseases. The disease occurs in female dogs who have not bred for a prolonged period of time and those having produced litters.

Diagnose of Pyometra can be detected form the clinical signs and the history of a recent heat. The most common signs are digestive disorders such as loss of appetite, diarrhea, and vomiting. Owners might also want to be watchful of symptoms which may include swollen abdomen, excessive drinking of water, listlessness and vaginal discharge; which is often foul-smelling. Discharges indicate that the cervix is still open and this will reduce some of the abdominal pressure and toxicity associated with Pyometra.

Radiographs and blood counts will be necessary to confirm the disease. An x-ray (radiograph) will show the large, pus-filled uterus quite clearly in most cases. The white blood cell count may increase (indicating infection) two to ten times over normal limit.

The best way to avoid Pyometra is of course spaying your dog. This prevents the disease from developing as the uterus and ovaries are removed.

Is surgery going to be safe?

As most veterinarians will agree, Pyometra is a surgical disease that requires the diseased organ to be removed for an increased chance of a complete recovery. As surgery suggest, there are certain potential risks to be held into consideration especially if performed on an older dog. Heart disease, kidney disorders, and other medical conditions may increase the risk of surgery. If proper supportive therapy is carried out, even the highest risk patients stand a good chance of survival and recovery. Consult your vet for their advice and best recommendations.

By. Sarah Young

Friday, July 3, 2009

Learn About Dog Kennel Cough

Kennel cough is a condition in which a dog's windpipe and upper bronchi are irritated and damaged by infectious microorganisms. Kennel cough can be caused by both bacteria and virus. Dog kennel cough is named variously like canine cough, infectious tracheobronchitis and bordetellosis

Characteristics Of Dog Kennel Cough

One of the first warning signs of kennel cough in dogs is a rough and dry, hacking cough that will show up with in a week of the dog having the initial infection. The damage is done through the bacteria and/ or viruses damaging the lining of the windpipe and bronchi, which exposes the nerve endings. The cough is caused when the dog breathes in and out and air is exposed to the endings of the nerves which irritates them.

Seriousness and Duration Of The Disease

Most cases of dog kennel cough are mild and do not change the dog's overall health or physical condition. The cough though can be irritating to the dog as it is persistent and the dog will cough every few minutes throughout the day. The use of antibiotics can be used to quicken the healing process but in the majority of cases most dogs will recover without it. Kennel cough can last up to three weeks

Transmission of the Disease

Like colds in human's dog kennel cough can be transmitted. Because the germ is carried through the air and can be inhaled by other dogs it can cause infections in other dogs, especially if the other dog is susceptible to the microbes. If the dog is sharing a kennel then the disease can be spread very quickly amongst the other dogs (hence the name kennel cough). But it can be acquired anytime and anywhere from an infected dog.

Treatment and Prevention

The veterinarian will typically prescribe cough-suppressing drugs to reduce the annoying cough. They will occasionally prescribe antibiotics to help manage the recovery from the infection, though most dogs will recover from the cough without medication.

There are some coughs which are similar to kennel cough that can b caused by other serious respiratory diseases, so it is important that the dog be examined by a vet. You can also prevent kennel cough by having your dog vaccinated against these infectious germs. Dogs that are not in frequent contact with other dogs have a reduced chance of getting kennel cough. If taking your dog to a show or having it bordered ensure that the dog is vaccinated a few week before hand to prevent from catching the disease.

By Gloria Gangi