How To Deal With Your Dog's Teething Problem
There is a part of every puppy's life that every dog owner would gladly live without - that maddening, frustrating, must-chew-everything-that-isn't-stapled-to-the-ceiling, teething age.
At about 4 months old, our puppy will lose its first set of teeth and the adult teeth will begin to grow from the gums. The teething process continues on and off for several months and this is often a painful and uncomfortable process for our puppy. We will notice that our puppy is teething from his increased chewing and biting on everything imaginable that is within reach.
Although sometimes tiresome, teething is a stage all puppies must go through and, happily, it will pass fairly soon. Relieving our puppy's pain and protecting our possessions from the sharp little teeth will be our top priorities!
What we can do:
1. Crate Training
The best way to prevent destructive chewing during our puppy's teething stage is to crate train our puppy. In addition, this will keep him away from the deadly things he'd love to chew to pieces when we aren't looking, like electrical cords of appliances that are still plugged in.
Make sure we provide a crate that is big enough for our puppy to turn around in. It is also important that we make the crate a safe and happy place for our dog by providing him with stimulating toys while he is in the crate.
2. Chew Toys
Chew toys and other gnaw-ables are going to be very useful in helping our puppy during his teething stage of his life. Although it is always tempting to let our puppy to chew on an old pair of socks or old leather shoe, this action is tantamount to telling our puppy that ALL shoes and socks are available to him for chewing!
Frozen rubber teething rings will help ease the pain of cutting teeth when our puppy has to be crated for safe keeping while you are either busy or out.
In addition, always remember to:
a. Positively reinforce chewing on things he is allowed to with praise and petting, and try to identify each item with "Is that your stick? Good boy!"; and
b. Negatively reinforce his chewing on inappropriate items by removing the item and saying "No, that is mine." and exchanging it with a proper chew toy with "Here is your ball, good boy!"
3. No Chew Toys, try the following two tips:
Buy a few cheap wash clothes and soak them thoroughly with water. Then put the wash clothes in the freezer. When fully frozen, give it to the teething puppy to chew.
Mix chicken or beef broth with 1 � cup of water. Pour them into ice cube trays to made broth ice cubes. They are tasty treats on hot days.
Finally, teething puppies will put their mouths on us and it is up to us to teach them at an early age that this is not acceptable. Just as mentioned above, every time they exhibit mouthing behavior, we must redirect them to an acceptable chew toy (or frozen clothes or broth).
Another important factor in bite inhibition and limiting mouthing behavior is proper socialization. It is very important in this stage to take our dog to a puppy class or puppy play group. When allowed to play with other pups, our dog will learn what is acceptable play behavior. The other dogs will help him to learn that biting is not appropriate. Also socialising our dog to many different kinds of people and situations will help him not to be afraid of new things and will significantly lower the potential for biting.
And remember to praise your dog abundantly when he does the right thing!
You Can Do It!
Kum Chee
A Happy Dog Lover and Owner
Love the chicken ice cube advise for Rottweiler chew toy. Great Rottweiler training tips! More great info on Rottweiler training and tips at this hubpage. Thanks for the info!
ReplyDeleteHey! i have a rottweiler who is about to turn 4 months. Today my baby lost his first tooth. I was not aware that they start shedding their first set of teeth so early... u can imagin how i reacted. I was ready to kill my friend who is taking care of my dogs(Boxer and Rottweiler) for not taking good care! :-p I am feeling embarrassed!
ReplyDeleteIf i talk abt something to chew upon, I always find him chewing My boxer's neck, leg, jaw and cheeks... and my Boxer doesnt mind as the little one is not harsh on him! :D I have been trying to correct this habit, till now no success!
Same situation here.. :) I almost lost myself today when I found a lost tooth near him :( Roger is also a 4 month boy :)
DeleteSame situation here.. :) I almost lost myself today when I found a lost tooth near him :( Roger is also a 4 month boy :)
ReplyDeleteI have a Rotti German Shep cross pup.8 months old,lovely natured girl, well socialised with my two older dogs a westie and lab,but the last month she won't stop chewing...On everything!!
She went through the teething process and did very well. We found she loved to chew on corks so bought her some that we hid in her toy box. She's now going through so many (100 a month,thank God for amazon) she has her own bucket. All of her teeth are through so wondered could this be growing pains due to her head developing? She's now started to chew cushions, table legs, curtains, flowers ect. Anything really. Any ideas would really help.
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Good info. Thanks
ReplyDeletePatience is the key when it comes to training a puppy. Just like humans, dogs have different learning abilities. Some puppies might grasp commands quickly, while others may take more time. It's crucial not to rush the process. Repetition is vital; puppies learn through consistent, positive reinforcement. Best Dog puppy training olathe expecting immediate results can lead to frustration, both for you and your puppy. Stay calm, be patient, and celebrate small victories.
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