Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Welcome To The Automatic Pet Feeder For 5 Star Treatment

You could possibly consider an Automatic Pet Feeder to be a bit of an extravagance. Almost like a cat or dog restaurant on tap. Some of these feeders are quite sophisticated as well. They have timers of course, in order to manage the automatic delivery. but some actually allow you to record your voice as well, so that your pet hears your dulcet tones and helps avoid pet stress.

Some models actually have an ice cooler as well. This is great if you want to leave fresh food available for your cat or dog (or even rabbit). Normally speaking you would leave dry food because there might be a risk of fresh food going off if there was a delay in your returning. Having an ice store helps keep fresh food up to scratch, so that your pet can continue living in the manner to which they have become accustomed.

The other advantage is if you want to keep your pet on a strict eating schedule. Many pets do become overweight from a combination of over eating and lack of exercise. You can certainly place some control over the former by using an Automatic Pet Feeder. The best ones have multiple set up times so that you can set the food to be delivered at very specific times. You would not normally leave your pet on their own for any amount of time. You might want to feed them in the evening for example, if you knew that you would be home late. All the models that I have come across work for a minimum of 24 hours. Some do operate over longer period though, up to 4 or 5 days even.

Maybe you are away on holiday and you have someone dog or cat sitting, and don't want to tie tour helper down too much. Either way. these gadgets do offer a great deal of flexibility.

By. Charlie Cory

How To Stop Dog Aggression Toward Other Dogs

Does your dog show aggression to all dogs regardless of size, breed, or sex? Did you know that this aggression is brought on by fear? This can be caused by some traumatic experience when your dog was young, or sometimes it may even be inherited. Regardless of what brought on your dog's aggressive behavior, it is important for you know the corrective measures that you must take so that you will know how to stop dog agression towards other dogs. Did you know that this aggression is brought on by fear? This can be caused by some traumatic experience when your dog was young, or sometimes it may even be inherited. Regardless of what brought on your dog's aggressive behavior, it is important for you know the corrective measures that you must take, as this behavior is not only annoying, but it can also be dangerous.

Dog aggression is his way of communicating his personality, and you can get a handle on his aggression, however it does require training. If you decide training your dog yourself is the way to go, then you must have patience with your dog. This will take time and patience on your part, and remember that dogs are not instant like we are. They move at their own pace.

Here are a couple of tips for you to keep in mind while you are learning how to stop dog aggression toward other dogs:
  • Don't take your dog to places where there will be a lot of other dogs that your dog does not know
  • If your dog gets attacked by another dog, removed him from the situation immediately
  • Don't use physical force as punishment-this will frighten them more
  • Taking a detached attitude with your dog-let them know you are boss
Training your dog can be a rewarding experience for both you and your dog. Not only does it put you in control, but makes your and your dog more confident with each other. If you look at it this way, your dog is heeling, lying down, or staying, he will not be preparing himself for aggression.

When you learn how to distract your dog's aggressiveness, you cool down the situation, then you can simply walk away from a situation that might other wise be trauma for you and your dog. It is always a must that you give your dog a reward when he has calmed down. A typical reward would be some kind of food that is a treat for your dog. After time, he will start picking up that if he does this or that, he gets a treat, and that could be his motivation, consistency in this department will determine your success.

By. Paula Snyder