Wednesday, September 30, 2009

How to Treat Mange

Dog mange is a condition caused by the Demodex mite that causes irritation to the skin and hair loss. Most cases of mange appear in young dogs. Demodectic mange or Demodicosis is caused by the Demodex mite. The mite can be found in hair follicles. The Demodex mite, in small numbers is normal to be present on the skin of pet. Only when the mite begins to reproduce rapidly it causes the demodectic mange disease also called mange.

Treatment of canine mange

If the disease is temperate usually it heals spontaneously. Statistics show that 90% of demodectic mange cases are localized and can be treated locally. As a local treatment can be diluted Amitraz (3ml to 30 ml of mineral oil), or 1% rotenone ointment (Goodwinol ointment) and applied on the skin daily. In some cases these wounds will heal on their own but they may get worse before they improve. The numbers of mites should be reduced after only four weeks of treatment.

If the number of mites hasn’t reduced, the disease probably should be treated as a generalized form. If a dog develops generalized demodicosis, more aggressive treatment is usually needed. Although treatment is recommended, studies show that 30% to 50 % of generalized cases of mange heal will recover on their own without any treatment.

As a first step in treating the generalized form of mange you should start the treatment with a prescription product called Amitraz (Mitaban-Upjohn). Amitraz dips must be applied every two weeks. Before starting the treatment it is recommended that medium-length and longhaired dogs breeds to be clipped short, so that the solution can get into contact with the skin. First you have to wash the dog entirely with an antibacterial shampoo, like benzoyl peroxide shampoos, and carefully towel dry the dog. Before washing you dog with benzoyl peroxide shampoo you should apply a protective ophthalmic ointment to the eyes of the pet. After drying the dog, apply the Amitraz. Don’t forget to wear protective gloves when applying the Amitraz. Let your pet air-dry after the Amitraz dips. You might also want to administer an antibiotic to control secondary skin infections. This treatment require between 4 and 14 dips given at 2 week intervals. Skin scrapings should be tested for mites after every 4 dips. The treatment should continue until no mites will be found after two consecutive treatments. Dogs with generalized mange can be considered cured only after one year from the last treatment, if no mites we’re found during this period. As side effects to the Amitraz dips, some dogs may feel sedation or nausea.

Some dogs may not respond to this treatment. Although Ivemectin is not licensed for the treatment of demodectic mange, this is used by some veterinarians as treatment for this disease. In some cases, this drug offered good results. Large daily doses of liquid ivermectin must be administered so that the active ingredient should be effective against the Demodex mite. This should only be administered under close veterinary supervision. A second option if Amitraz dips did not work for your dog is Interceptor or Moxidectin. This is may be more effective than Ivemectin. No matter the treatment you choose to treat your dog for mange, you should first speak with a veterinarian.

By. Anne Ming

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Infectious Canine Hepatitis - a Look at Hepatitis in Dogs

Infectious canine hepatitis is a highly contagious disease. The virus that causes this disease can cause damage to your dog's liver as well as other organs. If treatment isn't sought quickly, the disease is usually fatal. Puppies are especially susceptible to life-threatening complications.


As mentioned earlier, hepatitis in dogs is caused by a virus. The specific virus is canine adenovirus type 1, also referred to as CAV-1. It is transmitted through contact with infected animals and objects. Common objects that can harbor the virus include feces, food bowls, and water dishes. The virus can also be transmitted by parasites such as mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas. In some cases, it can also be inhaled.


Dogs with infectious canine hepatitis develop a wide range of symptoms. They include vomiting, loss of appetite, and diarrhea. Your dog may also get a high fever. You may also notice that your dog's stomach will appear enlarged. This is caused by the swelling of the liver.

Hepatitis in dogs also causes sensitivity to light. Your dog's eyes will tear when exposed to light. In severe cases of the disease, symptoms include bloody gums, nose, vomit, and diarrhea. It is also common for dogs to experience seizures, which is usually a sight of impending death within days. Some dogs die within hours of showing symptoms.


This disease is diagnosed based on a physical exam and clinical signs. Blood and urine samples will also be sent to the lab to be analyzed. There is also a test that can detect the presence of the virus in your dog's stool.


Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for infectious canine hepatitis. Dogs can usually fight the disease on their own as long as they have a healthy immune system. Treatment involves giving the dog intravenous fluids, enemas, and blood transfusions. Since the eyes usually become inflamed, your dog may also be given eye drops to get rid of the inflammation. Even after the disease has been treated, dogs can shed the virus for months after infection. Therefore, your dog will pose a threat of infecting other dogs.

By. D Swain

Monday, September 14, 2009

Dogs: Eye Diseases that May Require Surgery

Just as we are vulnerable to acquiring certain diseases, our dogs can also get them. And in the same way that our body feels terrible when we are sick, our pets can also feel weak and tired when they are inflicted with a disease.

One of the rather commonly affected areas in dogs is their eyes, and among the disease that can be developed are the following:

Cataracts, Distichiasis, Cherry Eye, Glaucoma


This is brought about by old age or a disease called canine diabetes. Breeds that are prone to this condition are Golden and Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds, Chesapeake, Poodle, Afghan hound, and English Sheepdogs. A visit to the vet will be very helpful. There is a specialist called a vet ophthalmologist who will take a look at your dog’s eyes and suggest a need for surgery, since drugs are not very effective to rid your dog of cataracts.


This condition is brought about by the abnormal growth of eyelashes which then causes irritation and infections to the eye. This can be present in both upper and lower eyelids, and breeds that usually get afflicted with it are: Dachshund, Cocker Spaniel, Bulldog, Retriever, Sheepdog, and Poodle. Treatment is done through the removal of eyelashes by a method called electrology, or a dog can also undergo electrical depilation (hair removal), and if these will not work, surgery.

Cherry Eye

Another common eye problem, Cherry Eye strikes the 3rd eyelid prolapses by means of the growth of red mass in the eye corners. Breeds affected are usually Bulldog, Pekingese, Cocker Spaniel, and Mastiff. The only recommended treatment is surgery, because other forms of treatment such as gland removal will still require lifetime maintenance.


This is a condition brought about by the production of liquid in the eye area which will eventually lead to blindness. Unlike cataracts, glaucoma may occur even with younger dogs, and breeds that usually get afflicted with it are: Cocker Spaniels, Poodles, and Terriers.

If it is detected early on, treatment can be in the form of drugs. However, since this condition spreads fast, it may require surgery if it is discovered late, to prevent blindness.

To prevent the condition from getting worse, always take time to examine your pet. If you notice that your dog is scratching his eyes more often, take a look at him and also have him checked by a doctor so that proper diagnoses can be made, and consequently, proper treatment. This could ultimately save your dog from going blind.

By. Anne Ming